Monday, March 9, 2020

How To Treat Oral Spray 10 Minutes Naturally


How To Treat Oral Spray 10 Minutes Naturally

Stomatitis Aftosa or commonly referred to as canker sores, is a disorder that appears on the membrane of the mouth in the form of a yellowish white wound. Thrush can be suffered by anyone, ranging from children to adults.

How To Treat Oral Spray 10 Minutes Naturally
How To Treat Oral Spray 10 Minutes Naturally

Although not cause death, but the wounds caused by canker sores are very disturbing activity. Especially when you want to swallow a certain food, it's sometimes very sore and inflamed. How to treat thrush is actually very easy, but before that refer to first several causes of the following canker sores.

Causes of Sprue in the Mouth

Thrush appears not by chance but can be caused by several factors, such as:

  1. Thrush can appear due to lack of nutritional bodies such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, and iron.
  2. Inadvertently mouth bitten. For example when you eat while talking then there is mouth or tongue that bitten.
  3. Too much spicy food. Starting from spicy chips, sambal, gorengan, spicy vegetables, and much more.
  4. The use of toothpaste and mouthwash are incompatible with the mouth.
  5. Lack of cleaning the mouth and teeth, especially after eating.
  6. The existence of certain clashes that cause the appearance of injuries in the mouth.

To find out what is the cause of canker sores currently suffered, you can recall what has been done before. After knowing the cause, try not to repeat it again for the second time.

How To Treat Oral Spray 10 Minutes Naturally

1. Overcome with baking soda paste and salt

Baking soda has an active compound capable of killing germs and bacteria in your wound sores. While salt has antiinflammatory properties that are useful for reducing inflammatory pain. The combination of these two natural ingredients is very fitting to cure mouth sores.

How to remove canker sores with salt and baking soda:
  • First mix the salt and baking soda. Make sure both materials have been smoothed so that later comfortable to wear.
  • After that, pour hot water into the mixture, stirring until it becomes pasta-shaped dough.
  • Apply baking soda paste and salt to the entire area of ​​ulcers sores for 10 minutes after the toothbrush.
  • Although it feels tend to sting, but by doing a routine of at least 1x a day then the result will you can optimally.

2. Coconut water

Coconut water has electrolyte properties that can cool the body, overcome the heat in, and able to heal mouth sores. Even with regular consumption, head water is also proven to prevent dehydration (lack of body fluids).

Natural canker sores can you consume at least 1x a day with a dose of 1 cup. But if you want more optimal results, consume a minimum of 3x (morning-day-night).

3. Banana and honey

Do you have thrush on the tongue? If correct use sprue medicine on the tongue made of banana and honey. Both of these natural ingredients have been shown to be very effective for treating mouth ulcers, especially the tongue.

How to treat canker sores with honey and bananas:
  • Blend the ripe bananas to taste just enough, then mix with honey to form pasta dough.
  • Apply the mixture evenly throughout the ulcer (ulcers wound).
  • Let stand for 10 minutes to absorb and work optimally. Gargle!

4. Guava fruit and leaves

Many people who consider the highest source of vitamin C is in citrus fruits, when in fact the vitamin is mostly found in guava fruit. With the consumption of cashew fruit rich in vitamin C on a regular basis, the canker sores you suffer will heal itself.

But if at home there is no cashew, then you can use young guava leaves. This leaf contains antibacterial compounds that are efficacious for killing germs and bacteria that cause canker sores.

How to cure canker sores with guava leaves:
  • Prepare some fresh young guava leaves.
  • Wash the guava leaf by using running water.
  • Then chew the leaves until destroyed for about 10 seconds. Then gargle clean.

5. Yoghurt

Yogurt is a fermented product derived from milk. This drink is enriched with good content of good bacteria. In addition to beneficial for digestion, good bacteria content is also beneficial to accelerate the healing process of canker sores.

Natural canker remedy this you can consume regularly at least 2 times a day. Not only suitable for adults only, but yogurt is also suitable as a canker syringe of children. For children just give him 1 times the consumption of yogurt in one day.

6. Garlic

Garlic may be more familiar to use as a spice kitchen. But it turns out that one onion is quite effective for treating canker sores naturally. The content of abrasive compounds that exist in garlic is able to expel all bacteria in the ulcer (ulcers wound).

How to treat canker sores with garlic:
  • Puree 1-2 garlic cloves that are still fresh.
  • Brush your teeth first to keep them clean of leftovers.
  • Paste the smear to the wound ulcer for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse garlic onion by gargling warm water until clean.

Nb: in addition useful to cure canker sores, garlic is also proven to cure toothache hole.

7. Raw papaya

The next natural canker sores are raw papaya. Do you know actually crude papaya contains high enough antiseptic compounds? Nah this content that can kill germs in the sprue. However, try not to use excessive papaya excess, because the sap can lead to the emergence of tartar.

How to get rid of canker sores with raw papaya:
  • Prepare raw papaya that is still green.
  • Peel the pepaya and slice slightly into small circles.
  • Attach the slice directly on the sprue.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water rinse.

Note: discontinue use after the canker sores are complete.

8. Coconut oil and honey

In addition to coconut water, you can also use coconut oil. This oil is famous for its antibacterial content that can kill germs cause sprue. By mixing a little honey, the canker sores will not interfere with your daily activities anymore.

How to treat canker sores with coconut oil and honey:
  • Prepare 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of natural honey.
  • Mix the two ingredients evenly.
  • Then apply evenly throughout the sprue in the mouth.
  • To work optimally, let stand for 10 minutes. Keep quiet when do not move much.
  • After that, rinse with a gargle of warm water until clean.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric can be spelled super spice. Why? Because this spice can be used for various kinds of business. Starting from cooking, beauty, to cure mouth sores. The content of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds believed to be very effective to overcome the problem of canker sores we suffered.

How to treat canker sores with turmeric:
  • First puree the turmeric to taste, you can grate until smooth.
  • After that mix with warm water to form pasta dough.
  • Next apply a turmeric paste throughout the wound ulcer.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes, then gargle with warm water until clean.

10. Starfruit wuluh

Carambola wuluh contains a high acid compound of vitamin C. It is quite sour enough to prove effective enough to kill bacteria. How to cure canker sores with starfruit wuluh enough to paste or chew the fruit for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water rinse until clean.

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